
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Some Preliminary Work on a ModuleModule Design

ModuleModule CV and gate/trigger translator

This is just a quick post to show what I have been doing with regard to the ModuleModule design I mentioned in my last blog post. More info will unfold over the next weeks but this is just to let several Muffwigglers know that I am progressing their ideas (albeit a bit slowly). These are just a first draft and the design will change. The idea is that there will be a common design that supports either Buchla/Euro or Buchla/Serge; the only difference being the connectors used. It's difficult fitting all I want in the smaller ModuleModule format - perhaps the trim pots will come out and I'll add scale switches as per the CVGT1 - your feedback would be valuable!

CV2 - a sister module for the CVGT1

This is another idea I've been mulling over which will complement the CVGT1 and is intended for non-pitch critical CVs and for audio level translation. Again it's just a preliminary idea and feedback is welcomed.